Corporate Law-II (30 Hours)

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India has witnessed tremendous growth in the corporate sector in the last few decades. In view of this, it becomes important for students of law and commerce to understand the legal dynamics of the corporate sector. The course covers all important recent developments in this area. The course of corporate law has been specifically designed to provide not only an overview but also an in-depth knowledge about company management including directors and committees, company meetings, oppression of shareholders and reconstruction of company
- In-depth understanding about different business organisations and comprehend importance of company form of business organisation with its incorporation and administration
- Learning about company meetings in compliance with SEBI regulations
- Comprehension of corporate management and governance
- Learning legal aspects of oppression of shareholders and role of majority shareholders
- Understanding different restructuring methods for companies
- Understanding business rescue proceedings and compromises
Note: Case List and Suggestive Readings will be provided to the registered candidates only after the commencement of the class.
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- Director- Appointment, Qualifications, Disqualifications, Legal position,
- Directors as agents, Directors as Trustees, Directors as Managing Partners
- Are directors employees of the company?
- Independent Director, Selection of Independent Director, Manner of appointment, Re Appointment, Liability of Independent Director, Compliance with Code of Conduct
- Board Committees- Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nomination & Remuneration Committee, Stakeholder Relation Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
- Related Party Transactions
- Meaning & Kinds of Meetings- Shareholders’ meeting, Board meeting, meetings of committee of the board, meetings of debenture holders, meetings of creditors
- Annual General Meeting
- Quorum
- Notice of meeting
- Extraordinary General Meeting
- Class Meetings
- Board Meetings
- Rule of majority
- Foss vs. Harbottle & Exceptions to the rule
- Statutory exceptions
- Application to tribunal for relief in cases of oppression
- Power of Tribunal
- Oppressive Acts
- Non- Oppressive Acts
- Oppression of majority shareholders
- Acts held as mismanagement
- Acts held as not mismanagement Class Action
- Meaning of arrangement, reconstruction & Amalgamation
- Buy Back of Shares
- Takeover Offer under Take Over Code
- Reduction of Share Capital
- Difference between amalgamation & reconstruction
- Reverse Merger
- Characteristics of a Shell Company
- Purchase of Minority Shareholding
FREE 30 mins Career Counselling Session (worth INR 600/-) with this course.