VLS Campus Fellows

Welcome to VLS Campus Fellows Section

VLS Campus Fellows will be ambassadors of quality, transparent, accountable and accessible legal education for all!

Hi! I'm VLS Campus Fellow !!!

I am not just a campus ambassador but an agent of visible change in legal education. Join me in adding a punch to the students' voice among the policy makers and professors who are at the helm of regulating legal education.

Hi! I'm VLS Campus Fellow !!!​

I am not just a campus ambassador but an agent of visible change in legal education. Join me in adding a punch to the students' voice among the policy makers and professors who are at the helm of regulating legal education.

Roles and Responsibilities

Students voice must be heard in legal education policy making.

VLS Campus Fellows would work closely with the VLS Mentors to research on the issues that ails legal education across public and private universities and colleges. They will report on the space provided by the college/university authorities to allow students’ voice in sketching law school curriculum, academic activities, faculty recruitment and many allied issues.

Build Student Councils

Some college and universities promote students councils/cells/associations to be democratically formed and operate. The number is very small. Hence, in most colleges/universities students' voice is unheard or ignored. In other cases, student unions/cells do not have a bridge for coordinating across the country. VLS Campus Fellows will work towards establishing such bridge for peer to peer learning from groups and extending support for making institutions of legal education more accountable.

Report Concerns

VLS Campus Fellows will report academic concerns within their law schools which are unattended by the college/university authorities. This will undergo a critical scrutiny to weed out the cases that may not be significant for intervention. VLS Campus Fellows will then prepare an action plan for position intervention for finding solution to the problem in an amicable manner. VLS Campus Fellows may reach out to the regulatory bodies, Bar Councils, Bar Associations, Judges of the High Courts and the Supreme Court to flag issues of concern.